Monday, December 28, 2009


malinalco was one of the most important architectural sites because of its asociation with aztec religious history and for its military nature.Malinalco is the place where the tree levesls of teh cosmos unite .. the sky the earth and the underworld . its well known for its shamnism and as the place where copil, nephew of hutzilopochtli and son of Malinalxochitl, fought huitzolopochtli , copil was defeated , and his heart was thrown over lake texcoco and landed on the island that would later become tenochtitlan.
The major estructure of malinalco is a temple called the cuauhcalli, meaning house of eagles. like mos aztec arquitecture the cuauhcalli represents in its contruction historical and religious beliefs like honor to tlaltecutli or coatlicue the earth godess trough is function of sanctuary tha represent the earth itself on which aztec warriors struggled in warfare and perished fighting offering their lives to the sun.but also can represent like the main temple of tenochtitlan. mt coatepec (snake mountain'.which is a transitional place on the surface of the earth (tlalticpac)connecting the middle world with the heavens and underworld is the mitycal house of coatlicue represent by the serpent mouth door.
This site is where new members were inducted into the Order of the Jaguar and Eagle.
At the entrance you find a couple of warriors seating over giant snake heads standing guard besides each side of the door, the interior if off-limits because the floor is still original, take a look and you will see a huge tongue of a snake rolled out like a red-carpet welcoming the warriors to the special ceremonies. Inside you will find benches and statues, all of them carved out of the rock of the hill, so there are no external pieces at all. Every single piece was hand carved, it was simply no margin for error, all the artisans should have been top notch and masters of their trade. This was a place were only kings, priests and warriors could enter.
it was bealived by warriors that the hearts placed in the circular hole of the shrines floor aided huitzilopochtli in his nightly quests , in the exterior next to the portal on the southeast side, there is a xiubcoatl, the weapon used by huitzilopochtliwhen he traveled from east to west , and also confirm that the dsay of the winter solstice december 21 at noon the light of the sun coming from a cleft in a mountain located in front ofn the temple enters through the doorway , iluminating exactly the head of the eagle that its the embodyment of huitzilopochtli, the sun himself , furthemore , we know through fray bernandino de sahagun that on this day the panquetzaliztli was celebarted , a festival dedicated to honor sacrifice because this was the day of the descent of huitzilopochtli to the earth , it means that the orientation of this temple was built with this solsticial effect in mind...

Sunday, December 27, 2009


en el centro del cosmos girando en sombras con reflejos de luz nacio en eclipse solar TOLAN MEXIHCO TENOCHTITLAN , fundacion portentosa que en vuelos de libertad se alzo la vida en cristal de roca y lajas de obsidiana , pedernales y cuentas de jade , Hombres culturas organicas de teotl , se apropiaron de su destino , lo hicieron suyo , como arquitectos lo planearon con peso, numero y medida, le dieron forma con sus manos ,ajustando su vida la devenir de la existencia sin riesgo alo desconocido implantaron codigos de justicia, apegados a leyes naturales con normas eticas para la convivencia colectiva cordinada al comportamiento social, perfectamente organizados con el orden bilogico del universo .
lejos muy lejos del tiempo ancestral y cercade nuestro espacio en ritmo danzaban por la vida los mexihcas (y seguimos danzando)quienes partieron un dia de la legendaria tierra de las 7 cuevas , CHIKOMOSTOK peregrinos de aztlan ivan en camino en busca de su destino , TEOPILTSINTLI YAOTL MEXIUITSILOPOCHTLI, potencia viviente que personifica la voluntad del guerrero solar , les transmitio el mensaje profetico de las estrellas , atraves dl supremo tlamatinime TENOCH ( el tunal sobre la piedra)verdadero maestro y guia espiritual, que condujo alos tenochkas hasta las fertiles tierras de anahuac en donde sus ojos se abrieron al magico encuentro del principio unico la busquedad eterna el el velo del misterio transpuso sus limites y la esencia sublime de ometeotl se dejo sentir en el corazon dela raza ATLANTEKA MEXIHCA, que atravez de sus emblemas nos transmiten ideas profundas y conocimientos universales , simbolismo d eun saber milenario que nos revela el misterio ancestral de un ritual sagrado de transformacion , muerte y resureccion trascendencia y permanencia de nuestro ser , uno en el origen y en al continuidad de nuestra presencia , esencia que se prolonga desde tiempo inmemorial, para la recordacion d ela historia de los antepasados , que atraves de la energia suprema del Atl Tlachinoll realizaron el PLUMAJE CELESTE DE FUEGO SERPENTINO,

Saturday, December 26, 2009


,Tula (or Tollan) was the capital of the Toltec empire and followed Teotihuacan as the strongest power in Mesoamerica.The Toltecs spoke Nahuatl, which was also spoken by the Aztecs. The city of Tula was located about 50 miles north of present-day Mexico City and contained impressive buildings,

The Toltec empire is believed to have been destroyed around 1200 AD by the nomadic warriors of the Chichimecs. The ruling family of the Aztecs claimed to descend from Toltec ancestry via the sacred city of Colhuacan. Most Toltec history is known from writings of later people, such as the Aztec, written centuries later after a "dark age" in Central Mexico, together with some references by the Maya. Toltec rulers are said to have included:

Chalchiuh Tlatonac - first Toltec king, founder of Tula
Mixcoatl or Mixcoatl Totepeuh
Topiltzin Ce Acatl Quetzalcoatl, son of Mixcoatl, the most famous Toltec ruler
Tlilcoatzin died c. 1000 (?)Huemac the last Toltec king, died in exile c. 1100 (?), some 6 years after the fall of Tula The Toltec Empire and leaders created an unmatched mystique in the minds of the Central American people. The Toltec leaders were thought of as being alongside deities. Later cultures often revered them and copied their legends, art, buildings and religion. Many future rulers of other cultures, including Mayan leaders and Aztec emperors, claimed to be descended from the Toltecs. Religion in the Toltec Empire was dominated by two major deities. The first, Quetzalcoatl, is shown as a plumed serpent. This deity of learning, culture, philosophy, fertility, holiness and gentility was absorbed from earlier cultures in the area. His rival was Tezcatlipoca, the smoked mirror, known for his warlike nature and tyranny.

The greatest ruler of the Toltecs was Ce Acatl Topiltzin who was renown for being the leader and high priest of Quetzacoatl at the time when Tula and the Empire were established. According to Toltec legend, Tezatlipoca's followers drove Topiltzin and the followers of Quetzalcoatl out of the city around 1000 AD. They fled south, where they were able to defeat the Maya at the city of Chichen Itza, and take it for their own. An interesting twist in Topiltzin's legend is that he vowed to return to Tula from the east in one of his sacred years and take his vengeance. This legend lived all the way to the time of the Aztecs, who attributed the arrival of the Spanish as the return of Topiltzin, an event that they feared greatly. Black Feathered Sun
The history of the Toltec culture at Teotihuacan is shrouded in mystery. It is speculated that around the year 500 AD the Toltec Naguals and all their parties had learned how to transmute, to go through the Black Feathered Sun to the place of creation.

Toltec have been known throughout southern Mexico as "women and men of knowledge" for many centuries. Anthropologists have spoken of the Toltec as a nation or a race, but in fact, the Toltec were scientists and artists who formed a society to explore and conserve the spiritual knowledge and practices of the ancient ones. It may seem peculiar that they combined the secular with the sacred, but the Toltec considered science and spirit to be one and the same since all energy, whether material or ethereal, was derived from the one source and influenced by the same universal laws.

The Toltec came together as Toltec masters and students at Teotihuacan, the ancient city of pyramids outside Mexico City known as the place where "Man becomes God". Here, in order to realize the promise of the work to transcend the realm of ordinary human awareness and attain their personal freedom, the apprentices studied the three Toltec masteries: Awareness, Transformation (Tracking) and Intent. The students had to have the courage to face and know themselves and, through that knowing, change their way of life. Teotihuacan remained the Toltec center of spiritual knowledge and transformation for many thousands of years and still endures as a living repository of "silent knowledge".


Teotihuacan means 'The City of the Gods", or "Where Men Become Gods"
(in Nahuatl). It is located in the valley of the same name 30 miles north of Mexico City.
Teotihuacan used to be a thriving city and ceremonial center that predated the Aztecs by several centuries. Most likely it was Mexico's biggest ancient city at its peak and the sixth largest city in the world in AD 600. Though archaeologists have long been fascinated with the site, Teotihuacan's culture and history are still largely mysterious. The civilization left massive ruins, but no trace has yet been found of a writing system and very little is known for sure about its inhabitants, who were succeeded first by the Toltecs and then by the Aztecs.
The Aztecs did not live in the city, but gave the place and its major structures their current names. They considered it the "Place of the Gods" - a place where, they believed, the current world was created.

the Sun Pyramid was the axis mundi for Teotihuacan culture, a space from which celestial and underworld levels were accessed symbolically.The Pyramid of the Sun, built in the 2nd century AD, dominates the landscape of the ancient city of Teotihuacan in Mexico.It is the third largest pyramid in the world and the largest in the Teotihuacan complex.
The Moon Pyramid is located at the northern end of the Avenue of the Dead, which is the main axis of the city. The pyramid, facing south, was built as the principal monument of the Moon Pyramid complex.
Besides the major ceremonial pyramids, there were also palaces and temples, especially near the north end of the city surrounding the plaza in front of the Pyramid of the Moon. These included the Palace of Quetzalcoatl, the Butterfly Palace, the Temple of the Feathered Conches, and the Palace of the Jaguars. The sophistication and artistry of the Teotihuacanos can be seen everywhere in the magnificent murals and stone carvings which adorn the walls of the palaces and apartment compounds.